نظرة الحكيم إلى الصفر (سلسلة الواقعية المجردة)

السعر الأصلي هو: $123.السعر الحالي هو: $102.

1 متوفر في المخزون

In this mesmerizing artwork, a bearded old-man gazes out from the canvas, his face a tapestry of life’s experiences. His eyes, like ancient wells, hold secrets and memories. The colors bleed and blend, creating an ethereal backdrop—a dance of light and shadow. His wild beard, a testament to time’s passage, intertwines with tales of distant lands. The hat perched atop his head bears witness to countless sunrises and sunsets.

حول العمل الفني

سنة العمل الفني الأصلية : 2023

الألوان الأساسية: أسود, أزرق, أصفر

المواضيع : خلاصة

مواد : طلاء أكريليك

أسلوب : التعبيرية التجريدية

الوسائط : طلاء أكريليك

التفاصيل والأبعاد

الاصل : عمل فني فريد من نوعه

الحجم : 75 H x 50 W x 1 D cm

جاهز للتعليق : نعم

إطار : مع إطار

ملحوظة: جميع الأعمال الفنية مصحوبة بشهادة أصالة موقعة من الفنان وتتضمن جميع تفاصيل العمل الفني.

الشحن والاسترجاع

وقت التسليم : عادة من يوم إلى يومين عمل للشحنات المحلية، ومن 4 إلى 10 أيام عمل للشحنات الدولية بناءً على موقع العميل.

الاسترجاع: 7يوم , سياسة الاسترجاع , قم بزيارة قسم المرتجعات للمزيد من المعلومات.

تكلفة التوصيل : بناء على موقع العميل.

معالجة : يشحن في مواد حماية اخرى

يشحن من : دولة قطر

إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة إضافية يرجى زيارة صفحة اتصل بنا .

Once, in a forgotten corner of New York there lived a man named Peter. His days were spent wandering the cobblestone streets, seeking solace in art. Peter’s beard, unruly and silver, whispered of adventures across continents. His hat, a relic from a bygone era, shielded him from both rain and sun. Each stroke of the artist’s brush captured Peter’s essence—the wisdom etched in his furrowed brow, the longing in his eyes.

The mysterious man became a fixture at the local café, where patrons speculated about his past. Some claimed he was a poet, others a sailor lost at sea. But Peter remained silent, sipping his espresso, lost in memories. The café walls absorbed his stories—the love found and lost, the battles fought, the sunsets witnessed from distant shores.

One stormy evening, as rain drummed against the window, Peter revealed a faded photograph. It depicted a woman with eyes like galaxies—a love he’d left behind. The café hushed as he recounted their passionate nights under Parisian moonlight. The artist captured that longing—the ache of a heart torn between two worlds.

And so, the painting hung in the gallery, a portal to Peter’s soul. Visitors stood before it, drawn into the depths of his gaze. They wondered about the woman in the photograph, the adventures hinted at in the brushstrokes. Some believed the hat held magic—a conduit to other realms. Others simply marveled at the beauty of a life fully lived.

Peter, now immortalized on canvas, continued his silent vigil. His eyes followed each visitor, as if urging them to embrace their own stories. And perhaps, just perhaps, the hat whispered secrets to those who truly looked. For in that café-turned-gallery, time stood still, and Peter’s spirit danced—a beacon for wanderers, dreamers, and lovers of art.

And so, dear reader, when you encounter this painting, pause. Let its colors seep into your soul. Imagine Peter’s footsteps echoing through New York, his heart echoing across centuries. For within those strokes lies not just a man, but a universe of tales waiting to be told. 🎨✨



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